Selasa, 12 September 2017

Review Pertemuan 1 Mata Kuliah Perilaku Konsumen (IKK233)

Lisda Qotrunnada N.P (H54150017)

Departement of Sharia Economics Sciences (
Faculty of Economics and Management ( )
Bogor Agricultural University ( )
Kuliah Perilaku Konsumen IKK233 ( Consumer Behavior Class )
Departement of Family and Consumer Sciences ( )
College of Human Ecology ( )
Bogor Agricultural University ( )
(,, )
Dr. Ir. Lilik Noor Yuliati, MF SA
Dr. Ir. Megawati Simanjuntak, M S
Ir. Retnaningsih, M S
Ir. Md Djamaludding, M Sc
Ujang Sumarwan. 2011. Perilaku Konsumen : Teori dan Penerapannya dalam Pemasaran. Jakarta: PT Ghalia Indonesia 
Resume Pertemuan 1: Model Keputusan Konsumen dan Motivasi Konsumen (Kamis Siang)
What do you know about consumers?consumers are people, customers, users, users, buyers, decision makers, attitude, motivation, profit and much more. Consumer behavior is the behavior of every person as a consumer to choose what is desired or not good shaped goods or services that aims to maximize utility.
Sumarwan (2010) says "From several definitions that have been available we can conclude the behavior is all activities, actions, and processes that are doing the action before buying, when buying, using, products and services after doing the things above or wave activities ". The meaning of Suwarman (2010) says "From the above definition, it can be concluded that consumer behavior is all activities, actions, and psychological processes that encourage these actions before buying, when to buy, use, spend your products and services after doing things I can conclude that consumer behavior is all activities using products or services and activities evaluated it.So the producer must know the behavior of the consumer because it is important from all business activities.
=> Consumer Behavior ModsThat is all the activities, actions and psychological processes that drive such an action. This can take the form of buying and finding information.
=> Dimensions of Consumer Behaviora. How did he get it?b. How is it, eating it?c. How is it, eliminating the residual consumption or the part that is not in consumption?
=> Maslow's needs theorywhere this maslow theory describes in pyramid form on the basis of:1. Self Actualization (success, power)2. Ego needs (status, confidence, price)3. Social Needs (respected, friends, belonging)4. Safety Needs (protection, regulation uu)5. Physiology needs (food, air, sex)
# it can be concluded that in this maslow theory, to reach to the very top point does not have to strengthen or pass the point beneath it. Because when we have reached the point of Self-actualization we do not necessarily have a sense of security in running something, and vice versa when we are still at the point of Physiology we even already have a very good confidence.
Upload, Wednesday 13 September 2017 


Lisda Qotrunnada N.P H54150017

All About Me

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Hi guys, how are you? I hope you guys are fine. here I will tell you a little about my personality. my name is Lisda Qotrunnada Nabila Putri. I used to call as Lisda for on campus but for high school friends and small friends I often called as Abil. I was born in Bogor, July 2, 1997, my age has now reached the age of 20 years where the word 20-year-old man is the most mature age for a person experiencing high maturity. I live with my parents in Kp. Karang Pawitan Jasinga-Bogor. I am the second child of 3 siblings. my first brother is my sister named Listra Rizkia Melani Putri he was born in Bogor, May 20, 1995 at this time he was continuing study at the State Islamic University of Bandung. While my brother he named Muhammad Fakhri Rayhan Saputra he was born in Bogor, December 07, 2002, now he has been sitting in high school. meanwhile, the most valuable person names in my life are both my parents my mother named Lia Himatul Aliyah and my father named Agus Saputra.
Well that's a glimpse of my biography and family, after that I will introduce my educational background. My level of education started from my kindergarten in the area I live in kindergarten Aisiyah Bustanul Alfa in kindergarten I only cripple 1 year of learning. then I went to elementary school for 6 years, namely SD Negeri 02 Jasinga is the favorite elementary school in my area. After that, I continued to go to junior high school is SMP Negeri 1 Jasinga where my junior high school is tervaforit in my area and continue to SMA Negeri 1 Jasinga where my high school is the only country SMA which is in my home area. After graduating high school I intend to continue study to my preferred campus but parents forbid because I am not allowed to wander. Finally my parents advise to continue the study at Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) and Alhamdulillah because the permission of my parents and God's ridho in amanah right to continue study in IPB with departement in Sharia Economics who are in the faculty of economics and management.

Last before closing about my personality, this is one of my hobbies. I have a reading hobby ranging from reading novels, comics, webtoons and others but I still feel lazy to read college diktat, why? hmm ...In addition I also have a hobby of watching Korean dramas, because Korean drama is a more worthy spectacle in watch and not drag on in story and drama. well maybe that's all I can often for my friends all :) hopefully useful. thank you :)

Wassalamualaikum wr.wb

Words  454
Upload, Tuesday 12 September 2017